Lucy Aboonour

Associate Partner, SLAAB Studio
Research Affiliate, MIT Media Lab, Space Enabled Group

Member of AIAA Space Architecture Technical Committee (SATC)


Lucy brings a wealth of expertise in architecture, product, and industrial design engineering to her current roles as an Associate Partner at SLAAB Studio. Her career is marked by a dedication to multi-disciplinary projects of significant scale and complexity, where she has consistently demonstrated a deep understanding of design integration, materials science, and manufacturing processes.

Lucy approaches her work with a user-centric perspective, emphasizing the importance of human-centered design, especially in the pioneering contexts of shaping the future of space exploration. Her approach is informed by a deep interest in the intersection of science, technology, and society, and her academic background in architecture and sociocultural anthropology.

As a research affiliate with the MIT Media Lab Space Enabled Group, Lucy works closely with NASA Space Technologies and their extensive contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals. Previously Lucy held design innovation roles at Thornton Tomasetti CORE Studio in New York, and Mamou-Mani Architects in London. As Co-Director at Columbia University CSI, she led the NASA Revolutionary Aerospace Systems Concepts (RASC-AL) project MEPSA – Mars Water-Based Propellant ISRU System.


Lucy holds a Masters of Arts in Sociocultural Anthropology from Columbia University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, where her Dissertation – Space in the Context of Form, was conducted in collaboration with the MIT Media Lab.

B.Architecture, concentration: Morphology, Pratt Institute


SLAAB Studio