Marta Rossi

Member of AIAA Space Architecture Technical Committee (SATC)


Marta Rossi is a PhD student in Architecture, History, and Project at Politecnico di Torino, specializing in space architecture. Her research focuses on innovative approaches and considerations within this disciplinary field. Marta earned her Master’s degree in Architecture and Urban Design from Politecnico di Milano in 2021, where she completed a thesis on a space architecture project for a human habitat on Mars, utilizing computational design tools.
Post-graduation, Marta began working at an architecture office in Milan and concurrently served as a Teaching Assistant for the course ‘Architecture for Human Space Exploration’ at Politecnico di Milano under Professor Valentina Sumini.
She is interested in expanding her knowledge and exploring emerging technological architectural tools and techniques, such as computational design, 3D printing, and artificial intelligence.