
Sintering Regolith with Solar Light

This Horizon 2020 project, enhances the additive layer manufacturing (ALM) technique of solar sintering lunar regolith advancing the Technology Readiness Level from TRL3 (demonstrating the ability to sinter regolith in a laboratory set-up, with a moving table, in a solar furnace), to a TRL5 (demonstrating a movable printing head with accurate pointing of a concentrated solar beam, and incremental deployment of regolith on the printing surface). In addition, a near TRL6 is achieved demonstrating solar sintering in a vacuum chamber. Based on the Finite Element Model produced in the project and the mechanical properties of solar sintered regolith, architectural scenarios and applications are developed.

Project Year

2015 -2018

Team Members

German Aerospace Centre (DLR), Cologne – Germany, Space Applications Services – Belgium, LIQUIFER Systems Group – Austria, COMEX – France, Bollinger Grohmann Schneider – Austria


Photos and Renderings: LIQUIFER Systems Group, Photo of printed sample: DLR

Further Information