Event Summary: SAS Bremen
The latest round of Space Architecture Symposium (SAS Bremen) was held at the Bremen DLR center on the 29th September 2018. The Symposium was organised by Barbara Imhof and Christina Ciardullo, with the support of Spacearchitect.org and many members from the Space Architecture Technical Committee. The theme for the day-long workshop session was to discuss the recent milestones and state of space architecture, as well as current and future opportunities for the field.
The symposium was attended by around 30 individuals coming from diverse backgrounds but share the common interest in the field of space architecture. The symposium began with an introduction about the theme and aim of the symposium, followed by brief reports of the current state of space architecture around the different region around the world. The symposium then went into a bit more detailed discussions on specific topics such as projects, companies, competition and education etc., giving a general overview of the field of space architecture at this moment in time.
The discussion continued over the pizza lunch and was followed by a guided tour around the DLR center and an update on the Eden-ISS project that is currently operating live in Antarctica.
Into the afternoon session, the topics moved onto to where the field of space architecture is going in the near future, on “working for new space”, , “branding the profession”, “working on Earth” and “outlet for space architecture ideas”.
The symposium wrapped up with a casual dinner near the DLR, where participants had the opportunities to continue the conversation over the many topics discussed during the day.
Summarised notes for SAS Bremen 2018.