SATC Exhibitions Subcommittee
Chair: Maria Joao Durao
Members: Olga Bannova, Sandra Häuplik-Meusburger, David Wong, Kevin Scholtes, Vittorio Netti , Kyunghwan Kim, Christina Ciardullo
Goal: The Space Architecture Exhibitions Subcommittee organizes Exhibitions at international scale, with the aim to divulge projects and activities that define Space Architecture as discipline.
WHERE: Internationally; museums, galleries and venues that promote similar functions.
HOW: Characterisation of team support actions.
-Define goals and resources for each Exhibition. Structure of collection/ portfolio (to exhibit).
-Select work; requirements for submission; and conditions of gallery display.
-Establish resources: budget, funding, sponsorship and partnership.
-Find potential partnerships/ sponsorships at events, conferences.
-Create outreach educational/cultural activities alongside Exhibitions, e.g. workshops and lectures. (whenever possible)
– Develop promotional material: websites, newsletters, invitations, press releases and overall communication design.