David Gabriel

Dr. Albert R. Antosca is the Chief Operating Officer (COO) & Chief of Staff at Aurelia Institute. Before serving as one of the founding team members at Aurelia, Albert was at MIT where he served as the Program Manager for the MIT Space Exploration Initiative.

Mark Garcia

Eszter Gulacsi

Theodore Hall

Patrick Harkness

William Hart

Sandra Häuplik-Meusburger

Sandra Häuplik-Meusburger  Ph.D.

The Vienna University of Technology (TUW)

SPACE-craft Architektur

Chair (2022-2024) of AIAA Space Architecture Technical Committee (SATC) 

Esther Jimenez Herraiz

Dr. Albert R. Antosca is the Chief Operating Officer (COO) & Chief of Staff at Aurelia Institute. Before serving as one of the founding team members at Aurelia, Albert was at MIT where he served as the Program Manager for the MIT Space Exploration Initiative.

Cecilia Hertz

Scott Howe